Trease Smock
RN, BSN, LNC, Integrative Functional Medicine Practitioner
Trease Smock RN, BSN, CLNC, Integrative Functional Medicine Practitioner, has over 22 years in healthcare practice focusing on cardiology, critical care, health coaching and lifestyle wellness. Caring for patients, she incorporated a holistic “whole body” wellness to their plan of care realizing the reduction of prescriptive medications, weight loss, improved home relationships are directly related to physical and mental wellness.
Trease became a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner while continuing her career in nursing to grasp a more in-depth concept of using food as medicine to heal the body. She has incorporated this practice into her own lifestyle becoming a national fitness competitor. Trease remains active in physical training along with her career in healthcare, knowing how important the physical aspect of the body is directly related to mental wellness.
Trease continues her career at Advent Health in Orlando, Florida where she holds an Executive Nurse Leadership position in the Cardiology Division across the Central Florida area. She has implemented the “whole body” care into the Cardiology Wellness Program for patients with congestive heart failure, cardiac bypass surgery, cardiac valve surgery to basic blood pressure concerns, cholesterol elevation and obesity.
Aside from her nursing career at Advent Health, she is an independent contractor for medical legal cases as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, speaks as a wellness advocate locally and nationally, has her own client based for Functional Medicine and speaks nationally on Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention which was her platform in 2019 and 2020 for Mrs. Orlando International. She is an ambassador for nonprofit foundations supporting mental wellness and the community. Her passion for mental wellness and suicide prevention came to light when she lost her father by suicide in 2014.
In her free time, Trease enjoys spending time with her significant other Rick and their 4 Labrador Retrievers, 2 of which are service dogs and the Mascots of Protecting the Guardian. Thunder Jack (chocolate labrador) and Hunter Bo (yellow labrador) like to tag along to PTG events and outings to show some love, comfort and of course welcome some belly rubs!